Sacramento Real Estate Video Blog

8 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Downsizing

  • 8 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Downsizing

    Don’t downsize without first asking yourself these questions.

Is It Ok to Waive Contingencies in This Market?

  • Is It Ok to Waive Contingencies in This Market?

    Here are the risks you’ll take when waiving contingencies on an offer.

7 Ways to Get Your Offer Accepted in This Market

  • 7 Ways to Get Your Offer Accepted in This Market

    Here are seven tips to help you win as a homebuyer in today’s market.

5 Reasons Why the Bubble Isn’t About to Pop

  • 5 Reasons Why the Bubble Isn’t About to Pop

    If you’re worried about an imminent market crash, don’t be. Here’s why.

Our Latest Sacramento Market Update

  • Our Latest Sacramento Market Update

    Here’s what’s going on in our current Sacramento real estate market.

5 Tips for Buying a Home in a Seller's Market

  • 5 Tips for Buying a Home in a Seller's Market

    Here are five tips to help buyers in today’s market.